Koolmijnlaan 185, 3582 Beringen
+32 11 450 750
In the best-case scenario, these emissions only produce unpleasant odors, which may not be immediately harmful but can be a major nuisance to the surrounding environment. In the worst case, they contribute to serious health issues and have a negative impact on our planet.
International efforts are being made to combat air pollution. Many countries have introduced additional measures to reduce emissions and improve air quality. At Benvitec, we are committed to contributing to cleaner air.
Our engineers have years of expertise in treating corrosive, harmful, and foul-smelling gases. They are constantly developing new solutions to make the world a cleaner place. Thanks to this knowledge, they create innovative air treatment systems tailored to each client’s specific needs.Is jouw bedrijf voorbereid op strengere emissienormen?
In our whitepaper “The Future of Industrial Air Treatment”, we discuss the upcoming changes in IED 2.0 and BREF regulations and provide practical solutions to comply with the stricter requirements. Download it now.
To purify the air, our experts frequently use gas scrubbers. These devices are designed to remove harmful gases and particles from industrial emissions. Gas scrubbers are also known as industrial air scrubbers, absorbers, or wet scrubbers.
There are different types of gas scrubbers. The best choice depends on the type of pollutants and the industrial application. Scrubbers are highly effective for many forms of air pollution. If a gas scrubber is not the ideal solution, our engineers will develop a tailor-made alternative.
In onze whitepaper ‘De toekomst van Industriële luchtzuivering’ bespreken we de aankomende veranderingen in de IED2.0 en BREF-regelgeving en bieden we praktische oplossingen om te voldoen aan de strengere eisen. Download hem snel.